Using Macromedia Dreamweaver - Assignment Two - Part One

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[aSsiGnmEnT 2] [aSsiGnmEnT 2 Part Two]


Assignment Two

(Part One) Bear


This weeks topic is about my little Yorkshire Terrier, his name is Bear. An odd name - I know, but don't you think he looks a little like a cuddly teddy bear? No? Well then here is another reason for his name, Bear was given to me by my friend Andrew, aka Andybear. So I thought the name Bear was very appropriate



Bear's story is not a very happy one, he was born on the 28th of December 2000, and he's been a very much loved dog - his grandparents (my parents) adore him, they took him home with them for a brief holiday, the fell so much in love with him that the refuse to give him back *sigh* they argue that they can give him constant attention because they own their own company, whereas I cannot.

But here is where the story get's sad, about a month ago he got a minor infection in one of his eyes (due to the chemicals used at the Poodle Parlour he was taken too) anyway the Vet assured us he would get well. About a week after he got the infection his eye opened up (until then it had been swollen shut) and we saw that his cornea had split and had come off. The Vet does not know why, but due to that, his eye had to be taken out.

The Story gets better though - Bear may only have one eye, but it hasn't inhibited him in the least and he's just as cute as ever.